Press Release

Response to Latest DOJ Proposals in Google Search Antitrust Matter



March 7, 2025 5:30 PM

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(Washington, D.C.)—The Alphabet Workers Union-CWA is encouraged that the Department of Justice’s latest remedies in the Google Search antitrust matter explicitly address protections against retaliation for individuals and associations who speak up about non-compliance.

As empowered workers exercising our rights of collective action, and as a collective of the people who work each day to build Google’s products, we are uniquely positioned to prevent anticompetitive behavior and shape remedies that do not punish workers for the anticompetitive behavior of their employer. We urge both the company and the Department of Justice to engage with our concerns as these remedies are developed and implemented.

“We look forward to continued discussion of the proposed remedies to shape them in the interests of the public and of Google workers. We welcome the Department of Justice and the company to engage with our concerns about the effects of all proposed remedies,” said Stephen McMurtry, Google Software Engineer and elected Communications Chair of the Alphabet Workers Union-CWA.